The 4th of July is more than a celebration of the birth of the United States; it represents the beginning of the United States' fight for freedom for all. The pursuit of freedom, not just the pursuit of happiness is what America's Independence Day is all about. Daniel Webster, one of America's Founding Fathers,alluded to this when he said, "May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country!" By his words, we see that founding America strove to be better and today's America should do the same.
As farmers, our work is never done. Each year, we rise early to sow seeds, to plant seedlings, nourish the plants planted in the fields, pray to God for good weather, harvest the crops, and sell the fruits of labor and blessings. We never stop trying to innovate and adapt. We never believe that the year before or our history was a failure; we see our past as a lesson.
The 4th July should remind us to celebrate our nation, celebrate a country who strives to do good, better.
-From A Farmer